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basic law for the federal republic of germany artinya

contoh kalimat "basic law for the federal republic of germany"
  • The Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany holds the principle of human dignity paramount, even above the right to life.
    Undang-Undang Dasar Republik Federal Jerman memegang prinsip martabat manusia yang tertinggi, bahkan di atas hak untuk hidup.
  • In the course of drafting the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany the military governors of the Trizone outlined the competences of federal police and intelligence (Polizeibrief of 14 April 1949).
    Dalam proses penyusunan Hukum Dasar untuk Republik Federal Jerman pemerintah militer Trizone menggarisi kompetensi polisi federal dan intelijen (Polizeibrief 14 April 1949).